
Session Details


Level: #Expert


Category: Flutter | Format: Session

2:50 pm - 3:30 pm Room A

Leveraging Analytics to Optimize Flutter Apps: Monitor API Fails & App Crashes

Session Description:

Normally api fails monitoring is overlooked in the frontend and so in this session, we'll explore how to effectively use analytics to drive the performance and user experience of Flutter apps, with a specific focus on tracking API calls and other critical events e.g app crashes. We’ll delve into strategies for monitoring API failures, understanding their impact on app performance, and using event tracking to gain deeper insights into user interactions. Attendees will learn how to integrate analytics tools (mixpanel and crashlytics for starters) in Flutter, interpret data to make informed decisions, and apply these insights using best practices from real-world example to optimize functionality and enhance user engagement/experience. Keynotes: 1) Integrating Analytics in Flutter. 2) Monitoring API Failures. 3) Event Tracking for User Insights. 4) Case Studies and Real-World Examples. Keywords: Flutter, Analytics, API Tracking, Event Tracking, Mixpanel

event info


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