
Session Details


Level: #Intermediate


Category: Flutter | Format: Session

3:50 pm - 4:30 pm Room A

GraphQL Integration in Flutter with Ferry: Unlocking the Power of Efficient Data Management

Session Description:

In this talk, we will explore the exciting world of GraphQL and demonstrate how to effectively integrate it into your Flutter applications using the powerful Ferry library. We'll begin with an introduction to GraphQL concepts, highlighting key features and benefits that make it an attractive choice for modern app development. Then, we'll dive into a step-by-step guide on setting up and using Ferry in a Flutter app, covering essential topics such as schema design, queries, mutations, and handling subscriptions for real-time updates. Attendees will learn: - The core principles and advantages of GraphQL. - How to set up and configure Ferry in a Flutter project. - Best practices for designing GraphQL schemas and writing efficient queries and mutations. - Techniques for managing state and handling real-time data with subscriptions. - Practical tips and tricks to optimize the performance and maintainability of your GraphQL-powered Flutter apps.

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