
Session Details


Level: #Intermediate


Category: Other | Format: Session

1:20 pm - 2:00 pm Room A

Gophers Community: Mock It 'Till You Make It: Accelerating Development with OpenAPI and Mock Servers

Session Description:

A big hurdle that mobile developers have to contend with is developing an app when the backend is not yet ready. Often developers resort to using sample objects and then have to rewrite their code again once the api is set up. But what if we started consuming the api immediately without waiting for the backend to be set up? This is where mocking servers comes in. In this session we will dive into the details of mocking servers and how it can be leveraged to accelerate development of mobile applications. In addition we will also look into the OpenApi spec formerly known as Swagger which helps us document rest apis in a manner that allows both the generation of the mock server as well as outlining the structure of the api. The OpenApi document can then be used by the backend developers to create an api compliant with the document. Additionally, we will also go through how to mock servers without an OpenApi document for even faster prototyping. By the end of this session, you'll have a solid understanding of how OpenAPI can help you document your APIs and how mock servers can serve as an essential tool for speeding up development and reducing the time-to-market for your products.

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